Saturday, May 24, 2008

Heart of Worship

One of my favorite songs is "Heart of Worship". It does not matter how often I hear that song or where I am when I hear that song, it will bring me to tears because it reflects my life and my heart most of the time. Here are some of the lyrics to the song.

When the music fades
All is stripped away
And I simply come
Longing just to bring
Something that's of worth
That will bless your heart

I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it,
It's all about you, It's all about you.

Im coming back to the Heart of Worship because it's all about you Lord, it's all about you.

I get so busy in myself and in everyone elses life that I forget why I was put on this earth. But when the music fades or when things come crashing down, or I slow down and reflect on life I realize and remember how simple life is suppose to be. It is suppose to be all about God. All the fuss, the stress, confusion, anger, anxiety, worry, bussiness, that is the thing I've made it. It has all been brought on by me. When I come back to the heart of worship and make it all about God is when I find relief and refreshment. I find pruning in my life that does cause some pain but their is always release from the pressure built up within. I cannot do what God wants me to do when I do not obey him in the little things. I cannot help reach the lost when I am not being completely obedient in my own life. I still want to do too much my own way and handle relationships my own way. How can God use me with lost souls when I am not listening to him in my current relationships? When I talk about relationships I am not just meaning my husband. I am talking about all the people I love. We too many times get in the way of what God wants to do in peoples lives because we know so much and we think we can fix things. God fixes things, not us. God uses us to love people, not fix them. God teaches us to live a life according to what he wrote about in the bible. He spelled it out for us all to read and practice. We when fail we are to ask for forgiveness and try very hard to not make that mistake again. We are to worry about OURSELVES and OUR LIVES and let GOD worry about everyone else and their lives and their sins. This is where he is working on me. I have to live by the ten commandments the best I can, and when I mess up I need to ask forgiveness and work harder not to mess up again. I need to keep my eyes on me. I focus on myself alot but I also watch everyone else like a hawk too! I am an almighty protector and I do not want anyone hurting the people I love or the people in our church. This is not my job. My job is to pray for protection and let God do the protecting. I was raised like this so this is going to be like taking a happy meal toy away from a 3 year old! But, I want to change. I want to be more loving and forgiving and not see the dishonesty before the honesty in people. I want to see them the way God would see them instead of the way the world sees them. Right now, I am no better than the people on the street as far as loving the people who are so messed up. I want to tell them to get it together and get on with life. It is a choice! I feel God wants me to be more merciful. That is why he put a friend in my life that is so merciful that can show me other ways of seeing things. Nothing happens by accident, people coming andd going from your life are not by accident, I believe. God gives and he takes away according to your needs. Thank you Lord for all the wonderful blessings in my life. I am truly truly coming back to the heart of worship because it is all about God!